Does the toe post of the Birkenstock Gizeh hurt you? If so, you are not alone. I have gotten a number messages from people asking me about what they can do to prevent the Birkenstock Gizeh toe post from hurting. I have never experienced discomfort from the Gizeh toe post. In fact, I don’t even feel the toe post. They are one of my favorite models of Birkenstocks. I wear my Gizehs when I power walk and always pack a pair in my suitcase when traveling. I love the t-strap look of the Gizeh without the flopping/slapping sound that you get when wearing a regular pair of thongs. Since wearing Gizehs, I now find it difficult to wear regular thongs because my feet slide around and the thong post hurts the webbing between my toes. Thus, I can empathize with those of you who complain about discomfort from the toe post of Gizehs. The Gizeh footbed is shaped in such a way that my foot does not move forward in the shoe. The straps adjust far enough back on my foot that the t-strap sandal keeps my foot secure on the footbed. In addition, the toe bar on the Gizeh allows me to grip the footbed with each step I take, which also prevents my foot from moving around. I asked my mom, who has never worn Birkenstocks, to try on my Gizehs and tell me if she could feel the toe piece. She slipped her foot into the sandal and pushed her foot all the way to the top of the shoe. Like one would do when wearing traditional flip flops or thongs. She immediately complained about the discomfort of the toe piece. I knew that the discomfort she felt was due to the fact that she had not placed her foot properly in the shoe. When wearing Birkenstocks, it is essential to place one’s foot into heel cup prior to adjusting the straps around one’s foot. The key is to tighten the strap just enough to prevent one’s foot from moving forward in the shoe. If the Gizeh straps are too loose, one’s foot will slide around in the sandal and rub against the toe post, thereby causing discomfort. How do you know if you have your foot in the heel cup and that your straps are tightened appropriately? Well, the best way to figure this out is by getting sized for Birkenstocks at an authorized dealer. It is essential that you purchase the correct size Gizeh to prevent issues from the toe post. A size too small may push the webbing of your toes against the toe post. A size too big will cause your foot to move around in the shoe, potentially rubbing against the toe post. Also, make certain that the width of the Gizeh works for your foot. As with any Birkenstock, a break-in period is required. If you still feel the toe piece after wearing the shoes around the house a few days consider the following options to remedy the issue: ![]() 1. open the straps 2. place your foot in the Gizeh 3. make sure your heel is properly placed in the heel cup 4. stand up ![]() 5. tighten the strap (while standing). Make certain the strap is tight enough to prevent your foot from moving around the footbed 6. if you continue to feel the toe post, wrap the post with a band-aid or mole skin consider applying Bandaid Friction block or BodyGlide between the webbing of your toes to prevent blistering from the toe post If none of these techniques work and the toe post is still bothersome then you might consider a different model sandal. The Mayari is a great option if you want a thong type look without a toe post.
Have you experienced discomfort wearing Gizehs? If so, what did you do to remedy the issue? Send me a message. I would love to hear what worked for you. Comments are closed.
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